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DVDFab ကို သံုးဖူးသူတိုင္း သိၾကမွာပါ.. Copy Protected လုပ္ထားတဲ့ DVD ေတြကိုေတာင္ Copy ကူးလို႔ရေအာင္လုပ္ေဆာင္ေပးႏိုင္ပါတယ္.. ဒါ့အျပင္ DVD, Bluray Disc ေတြထဲက Data ေတြကိုကူယူးျခင္း Rip, Convert, Decrypt,and Crate ျပဳလုပ္ႏိုင္ျခင္း စ,တာေတြကိုလည္းလုပ္ေဆာင္နုိင္ပါေသးတယ္..။
 ေနာက္ဆံုး Latest Version ေတာ့ မဟုတ္ပါဘူး All In One မို႔ တင္ေပးလိုက္တာပါ.... Latest Version လိုခ်င္ရင္ေတာ့ Comment,C-Box ေတြကတဆင့္ေျပာထားခဲ့ႏိုင္ပါတယ္...။

DVDFab All-In-One includes nearly all DVDFab options in it: DVD Copy, DVD Ripper, Blu-ray Copy, Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus), Blu-ray to DVD, 2D to 3D Converter, DVD Creator, Blu-ray Creator, Video Converter, DVDFab HD Decrypter, and File Transfer.

It is the ultimate solution for you to freely copy, rip, convert, burn, clone any DVD/Blu-ray as desired regarding no limit from any copy protections; convert 2D DVD/Blu-ray/video to 3D video; convert video among various formats with outstanding audiovisual effect, and simply transfer converted files to iPod, Zune, and PSP. All these can be finished with ease, convenience, flexibility in just a few clicks at a super fast speed.
Crack အသံုးျပဳပံုပါ...



1. - Install the program, don't start.
2. - Copy the contents of the folder "Crack" in "C: \ Program Files \ DVDFab 9", replace.
3. - Start the program and use.