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-ဒီ Rail Rush ဆိုတဲ့ Game ​ေလးက​ေတာ့ ​ေတာ္​​ေတာ္​မ်ားမ်ား ကစားဖူးၿပီးတဲ့ ဂိမ္​း​ေလးတစ္​ခု ျဖစ္​မွာပါ-
-Action ဂိမ္​းအမ်ိဳးအစား ျဖစ္​ပါတယ္​-
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-Apk File Size 34MB ႐ွိထားၿပီး၊
Android OS Version 2.3.3 ႏွင္​့အထက္​႐ွိ ထား​ေသာ ဖုန္​းမ်ားမွာ ထည္​့သြင္​း install လုပ္​၍ ကစားလို႔ ရ​ေစပါၿပီ-
-​ေအာက္​က လင္​့ခ္​ ကိုႏိွပ္​၍ ​ေဒါင္​းယူပါ-
★DOWNLOAD ဆြဲရန္​ လင္​့ခ္​★


Overview:Get primed for this epic endeavor! Venture into your truck and start this mine investigating craze! Quicken through these madly quick rails while tilting and swiping to maintain a strategic distance from the obstructions.
Your employment is to gather valuable stones, so get those gold chunks and pearls! There will be astonishes along the way, and extraordinary blessings to procure in the event that you're lucky! Break the rock eggs to uncover what's within them and get all the diamonds for your individual pilgrim's accumulation!
Discover new and energizing ways to investigate over the mine, and experience those exceptional levels to procure more pieces! Emphasizing 6 energizing situations: Caverns, waterfalls, insect homes, dead urban communities and mushroom corridors, and in addition shock levels which will stun you with their bright situations.
You can likewise provide your truck with force ups to enlarge your chances inside the mine, while finishing missions and standing up, so as to turn into a definitive pioneer! Indiana Jones himself might envy you!
★ 4 separate characters
★ Cool force ups
★ 6 separate situations incorporating exceptional levels
★ Stunning illustrations
★ Action stuffed gameplay
★ Many accomplishments
★ Game detail
★ Online guide sheets
To what extent would you be able to go inside the mine? Discover, by downloading Rail Rush NOW!
What's New
NEW UPDATE loaded with energizing new characteristics!
• New "Undersea World" - hold your breath and inundate in a fantastic Undersea World!
• New model "Captain Nemo" - another brave person who helps you in battling the Giant Octopus!
• World pack offer: exploit this arrangement! Get 3
" အဆင္​​ေျပပါ​ေစ"
ေဒါင္းနည္းမ်ားမသိပါက ဒီမွာ သြားၾကည့္ေပးပါခင္ဗ်ာ