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-Android OS Version 2.1 ႏွင့္အထက္႐ွိ ထားေသာ ဖုန္းမ်ားမွာ ထည့္သြင္း install လုပ္၍ အသံုးျပဳႏိုင္ပါၿပီ-
-Android OS Version 2.1 ႏွင့္အထက္႐ွိ ထားေသာ ဖုန္းမ်ားမွာ ထည့္သြင္း install လုပ္၍ အသံုးျပဳႏိုင္ပါၿပီ-
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★DOWNLOAD ဆြဲရန္ လင့္ခ္★ .
* Dark and Light themes
* Torrent search dialog
* Open torrents right from browser
* Magnet links support
* Add torrent from file
* Choose download folder
* Partial download (choose files from torrent)
* Multiple parallel downloading
* Option to limit downloads by Wi-Fi
* Option to pause downloads when external power supply is not connected
* Supported protocols: BitTorrent P2P, DHT, Advanced DHT Bootstrap, Magnet links, HTTP & UDP Trackers
* Large files support (for FAT32 SD cards - 4Gb maximum, for internal storage - unlimited file size)
Coming soon:
* Many other features in development.
! If you have installed any Free RAM/Task manager application, then add aTorrent to it's exclusion list to avoid unloading from memory and stop downloading.
! Use High Speed (Class 10+) memory cards for downloading to prevent lags.
What's New
Vote for next aTorrent features: http://atorrent.uservoice.com !
- some bugs related to file size and free space amount fixed
+Download queue management
+Settings UI changed
+stability improved
+now you can change folder while magnet being demagnetized
+encryption support
+limit amount of download files
+download queue (with reordering)
+x86 support and arm v7 optimization
-some bugs fixed
Vote for next aTorrent features: http://atorrent.uservoice.com !
- some bugs related to file size and free space amount fixed
+Download queue management
+Settings UI changed
+stability improved
+now you can change folder while magnet being demagnetized
+encryption support
+limit amount of download files
+download queue (with reordering)
+x86 support and arm v7 optimization
-some bugs fixed
Additional information
February 7, 2014
Current Version
Requires Android
2.1 and up
Content Rating