Photos or Videos ေတြကိုအျခားသူတစ္ဦးကလာကိုင္ရင္ auto shot လုပ္ေပးမယ့္
Super Spy Camera ေလးပါ။ရိုက္ျပီးသားပံုေတြကိုလည္း Internal or External
Storage မွာ Save
ထားေပးပါတယ္။ေနာက္ထပ္လုက္ေဆာင္ႏိုင္တာေတြအမ်ားၾကီးပါ။ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ကေတာ့ 774k ပဲရွိပါတယ္။
Android : 2.2 ႏွင့္အထက္ကျပီးအသံုးျပဳႏိုင္ပါတယ္။
for Paparazzi, Spy, Mystery Shopper and Student at Library.
Widget mode is the best!
You can write your own name of spy camera and choose the motions.
It is hard to recognize your application by other people when you take photos using this spy camera.
Please use this spy camera!:)
[ Feature ] - Transparent buttons.
- Black Screen Mode : When you touch the text button of black, you can take photos.
- Face Detection auto shot.
- Max Camera Resolution and Small size application.
- Smart Orientation : Take Photos or Videos from any phone position, it will always rotate correctly.
- Choose Storage : Save to choose Internal Storage or External Storage.
- Background Capture | Background Recording. (not Perfect)
- Hide or show your Silent Camera folder on Gallery.
- Pinch to zoom.
This application was helped by open source project.
က်ြန္ေတာ္တင္သမွ်ပိုစ့္ေတြ Facebook ကေနရယူခ်င္တယ္ဆိုရင္ ဒီမွာ Like ႏွိပ္ပါ။
မန္ဘာ၀င္ခဲ့ျခင္းျဖင့္ ပိုစ့္အသစ္တင္တိုင္း မိမိ Gmail ထဲကိုတိုက္ရိုက္ေရာက္ရွိမည္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
Thank You For Downloading And Dont Forget to Clicking Once on a Ad Banner.
အဆင္ေျပတယ္္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ေၾကာ္ျငာမ်ားကို (တစ္ေန႔မွ) တစ္ၾကိမ္ေလာက္သာ ကလစ္ခဲ့ပါခင္ဗ်ာ။
ထားေပးပါတယ္။ေနာက္ထပ္လုက္ေဆာင္ႏိုင္တာေတြအမ်ားၾကီးပါ။ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ကေတာ့ 774k ပဲရွိပါတယ္။
Android : 2.2 ႏွင့္အထက္ကျပီးအသံုးျပဳႏိုင္ပါတယ္။
for Paparazzi, Spy, Mystery Shopper and Student at Library.
Widget mode is the best!
You can write your own name of spy camera and choose the motions.
It is hard to recognize your application by other people when you take photos using this spy camera.
Please use this spy camera!:)
[ Feature ] - Transparent buttons.
- Black Screen Mode : When you touch the text button of black, you can take photos.
- Face Detection auto shot.
- Max Camera Resolution and Small size application.
- Smart Orientation : Take Photos or Videos from any phone position, it will always rotate correctly.
- Choose Storage : Save to choose Internal Storage or External Storage.
- Background Capture | Background Recording. (not Perfect)
- Hide or show your Silent Camera folder on Gallery.
- Pinch to zoom.
This application was helped by open source project.
က်ြန္ေတာ္တင္သမွ်ပိုစ့္ေတြ Facebook ကေနရယူခ်င္တယ္ဆိုရင္ ဒီမွာ Like ႏွိပ္ပါ။
မန္ဘာ၀င္ခဲ့ျခင္းျဖင့္ ပိုစ့္အသစ္တင္တိုင္း မိမိ Gmail ထဲကိုတိုက္ရိုက္ေရာက္ရွိမည္ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
Thank You For Downloading And Dont Forget to Clicking Once on a Ad Banner.
အဆင္ေျပတယ္္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ေၾကာ္ျငာမ်ားကို (တစ္ေန႔မွ) တစ္ၾကိမ္ေလာက္သာ ကလစ္ခဲ့ပါခင္ဗ်ာ။