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မဂၤလာပါဒီတစ္ခါေတာ့ ဖုန္းအတြက္ app ေလးတစ္ခုကိုတင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္ မိမိတို႔မွာအီးေမးအိတ္ ေလးကိုအလန္းေလးနဲ႔ထားခ်င္သူမ်ားအတြက္ပါ ေအာ္စာကမတတ္ေတာ့သူမ်ားလို
မဖားတတ္ဘူးေဟ့ သူငယ္ခ်င္းတို႔ အီးေမးလ္စာအိတ္ေဘာက္ေလးကိုလိုခ်င္ရင္ေတာ့ေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းယူသြားႏိုင္ပါတယ္

com.fsck.k9-1_web.jpg com.fsck.k9-2_web.jpg 
Requires Android Varies with device
K-9 Mail is an open-source e-mail client with search, IMAP push email, multi-folder sync, flagging, filing, signatures, bcc-self, PGP, mail on SD & more!

K-9 supports IMAP, POP3 and Exchange 2003/2007 (with WebDAV).

K-9 is a community developed project. If you're interested in helping to make the best email client on Android even better, please join us! You can find our bugtracker, source code, mailing list and wiki at
We're always happy to welcome new developers, designers, documenters, bug triagers and friends.

If you're having trouble with K-9, please report a bug at rather than just leaving a one-star review. We don't mind you telling the world that you're frustrated, but if you use our bug tracker, we have a better chance of fixing whatever's giving you a hard time.

You can find K-9's release notes at:

(People sometimes call K-9: K9, K9 Mail, K-9 Email, K9 Email, K9 E-Mail, k9mail or k9email.)

What's New
Release notes are included in K-9 & online at

K-9 Mail v4.901.apk

              အဆင္ေျပတယ္ဆိုရင္ ေၾကာ္ျငာေလးကိုတစ္ခ်က္ေလာက္ကလစ္ခဲ့ေပးပါေနာ္
                                     အဆင္မေျပခဲ့တာမ်ားရွိခဲ့ရင္ CBOX တြင္ေျပာၾကာခဲ့ပါေနာ္

ေဒါင္းနည္းမ်ားမသိပါက ဒီမွာ သြားၾကည့္ေပးပါခင္ဗ်ာ