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ဒီေကာင္ေလးကေတာ့ YouTube downloader and YouTube converter ေလးပဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ IE, Firefox or Chrome ,YouTube, Hulu, Facebook, Megavideo, Vimeo, Metacafe, VEVO, Liveleak
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Wondershare AllMyTube is a fast and easy YouTube downloader and YouTube converter to help you download any videos you desired from 100+ video sharing sites and put them to portable devices for watching. With a single click, you can download any videos playing on IE, Firefox or Chrome. Worry about the video compatiblity with portable devices? Why bother? Wondershare AllMyTube converts and optimizes downloaded videos for almost all kinds of portable devices.

Download YouTube Videos with A Single Click
- Downloads videos from YouTube, Hulu, Facebook, Megavideo, Vimeo, Metacafe, VEVO, Liveleak , etc. more than 100 video sharing sites.
- Extracts MP3 from YouTube, convert downloaded videos to all popular formats and devices like iPad 2, iPod touch, iPhone 4S, Android, etc.
- Now download videos 3X faster from hundreds of video websites.

Download Videos from 100+ Sites
- A whole lot more than YouTube: Besides YouTube videos, AllMyTube downloads videos from over 100 video sharing sites, such as YouTube, Google Videos, VEVO, Facebook, Dailymotion, AOL, Metacafe, MegaVideo, Vimeo, Break. BlipTV, Veoh, VideoBash, LiveLeak, MyVideo, FunnyOrDie, Nico Video, etc.

Various Ways to Download
- Download via Download Button: Automatically detects the video when it starts to play. Download video by clicking the Download Button on the top of the video opened on IE, Firefox or Chrome.
- Copy and Paste URL: Copy and paste URL of the video to download the target video

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