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Hard Disks ေတြထဲက ဖ်က္လိုက္တဲ႔၊ေပ်ာက္ဆံုးသြားတဲ့ ဗီဒီယို၊သီခ်င္း၊ဓါတ္ပံု၊ေဆာ့ဝဲမ်ား
အားလံုးကို ျပန္လည္ Recovery လုပ္ျပီး Backup ျပန္ယူတဲ့ ေဆာ့ဝဲေလးပါ။

Activate လုပ္ျပီးသားမို႔ အင္စေတာျပီးတာနဲ႔ သံုးနိုင္ပါျပီ။

OS= Windows XP/Vista/7/8
 EasyRecovery™ software products offer home users or businesses complete solutions for their data recovery, file repair and disk diagnostic needs. Depending on your data loss situation software is recommended only when your hardware or computer system is functioning properly.

The most advanced edition with Network Recovery Support for companies that need to protect multiple workstations. Equipped with Hardware and Software RAID Recovery support and an enhanced set of recovery tools, including: Mail Recovery, Hex Viewer, SMART, Bad Block/Block Usage Diagnostics, Imaging tools, Copy Disk and Refresh Disk.
Download Here

