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ဒီေကာင္ေလးကေတာ့သူဖိူးသူေတြသိၾကမွာပါ video slideshow tools ေတြအမ်ားၾကီးပါ၀င္ျပီးလြယ္ကူ
ျမန္ဆန္ျပီး unlimited production control ေတြပါ၀င္တာေၾကာင့္အေကာင္းဆံုးတည္းျဖတ္ေပးႏိုင္ပါတယ္
styles & transitions ေတြအျပင္ Effects Pack ေတြလည္းပါ၀င္ပါတယ္။ProShow Producer နဲ႔  ProShow Effects Pack ေတြပါ 2 ခုလံုးေဒါင္းေလာ့စ္ဖိုင္ထဲမွာထည့္ေပးထားပါတယ္။ Full Version ျဖစ္
ေစဖို႔အတြက္ Keygen + Patch ကိုထည့္သြင္းေပးထားပါတယ္။

Fast, easy + customizable video slideshow tools. Share videos anywhere.. Build stunning professional slideshows with unlimited production control, powerful creative tools and time-saving shortcuts.

Instantly awesome! Give your shows a quick style boost with effects packs. Ordinary shows effortlessly become amazing.

Dazzling effects for ProShow 6
Go glam, modern or nostalgic with brilliant light effects, gritty film projector montages and edgy geometric animations. Polish up text & titles with tons of versatile new designs. Effects Pack 6 delivers a stunning combo of styles & transitions you'll never forget!

- Spice up your shows with flashy animations and slick, professional layouts.
- Create beautiful shows with a distinctive, unified look.
- Go beyond simple fades with an exciting array of modern transitions that instantly energize shows with freshness and sophistication.

Product Details
- Includes 25 sets of styles & transitions
- 15 effects sets are for all versions of ProShow
- 10 effects sets are for Producer-only
- All effects work with ProShow Producer
- All effects are for widescreen
- Requires ProShow 6.x


(1): Please use 7Zip/WinRAR/Universal Extractor to EXTRACT FILES
(2): run the setup
(3): Use the given keygen to activate Or
(4): Use the given patch to activate (recommend to copy and paste the patch into the installed directory and run as admin and do the patch)
(5): Enjoy and Support Developers, Buy It, They Deserved It! 

ေဒါင္းနည္းမ်ားမသိပါက ဒီမွာ သြားၾကည့္ေပးပါခင္ဗ်ာ