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Galaxy Ace 3 GT-S7270L အတြက္ Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean Firmware ကိုတင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္။
ျပဳလုပ္နည္းကိုေအာက္မွာအေသးစိတ္ေရးထားပါတယ္။Firmware Version Info

ဒါကေတာ့လက္ရွိမိမိ Firmware Version ကိုၾကည့္တာပါ။

How to Check Firmware through OTA

  1. Go to SETTING
  2. Tap on ABOUT DEVICE
  3. Then tap on SOFTWARE UPDATE
  4. Here you find the UPDATE option TAP on it
  5. It will show you the latest information about your Firmware

ဒါကေတာ့တင္ျပီးတဲ့ Firmware Version ပါ။

How to check Complete Model and Current Firmware

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Than Tap on About
  3. Here you can see Model Number: GT-S7270L
  4. Example: Galaxy Ace 3 (N/a) PGU
  5. Example: Android 4.2.2

Download Mode

  1. Download Android 4.2.2 UBUANB1 Firmware for Galaxy Ace 3 S7270L from the above list
  2. Download Odin 3.07
  3. Switch off your phone and boot Galaxy Ace 3 S7270L into Download Mode by pressing and holding the Volume Down+Home+Power buttons (long press until the boot screen appear), now press Volume Up key to proceed to Download Mode.
  4. Extract the downloaded Odin3.07 zip file and run the Odin3 v3.07.exe file as an administrator (Right click on the .exe file and click on Run as administrator)
  5. Now connect your Galaxy Ace 3 S7270L to your computer via USB cable
  6. In Odin3 screen, you should see a COM Port number like “0:[COM7]” at ID:COM section and “Added!” text at the message box. This means your device has been detected by Odin3.
  7. Make sure that, only the “Auto Reboot” and “F. Reset Time” options are checked.
  8. Now, extract the downloaded firmware zip file, you’ll find a firmware file with extension .tar.md5
  9. In Odin screen, click on PDA button and select the firmware file with .tar.md5 extension (The firmware file look something like: S7270LUBUANB1_S7270LUWAANB1_S7270LUBUANB1_HOME.tar.md5)
  10. Now, click on the Start button to begin the installation process, wait few moments.
  11. Once completed, you would see “PASS!” message in ID:COM port having green background
  12. Your phone should automatically reboot after completion
  13. You can now disconnect your phone from computer
  14. Finish
Congrats!  you have completed the tutorial to update latest Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean official firmware on Galaxy Ace 3 GT-S7270L. Hope you successfully done the update process.

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