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Galaxy Locker is an mirror of lock screen on Samsung Galaxy devices, including the Galaxy S5 Particle, Galaxy S4 Lens Flare, Galaxy Note2 Ripple unlock, Galaxy Note3 watercolor unlock, support for shortcuts, notifications, personalized signature, and built-in a wealth of customization options, such as custom fonts, custom alignment, custom operators and so on …Galaxy Locker v3.1.3 ေလးူအသစ္ထြက္လာလို႔တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္ အသံုးလိုသူေတြေအာက္ကလင့္မွာ
ေဒါင္းလိုက္ပါခင္ဗ်ာ (ပုသိမ္အိုင္တီ)
Application features:
1 Lens flare effects;
2 Ripple effects;
3 Watercolor effect (only supports android4.2 and above);
4 Particle effect;
5 Support shortcuts;
6 Support notifications such as missed calls and unread messages;
7 Support security lock, PIN or Pattern;
8 Support lockscreen widgets;
Note: To prevent double lock screen, enable Galaxy Locker, and choose the system lock screen as “None.”
What’s New
1. Add option to hide finger path for pattern lock;
2. Add option to deactivate device administrator when it’s active;
3. Fix bug when picking widgets;
4. Fix bug in Lock Home option;
5. Fix camera page flash when lockscreen show.

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ေဒါင္းနည္းမ်ားမသိပါက ဒီမွာ သြားၾကည့္ေပးပါခင္ဗ်ာ