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♦ Android Office ♦ ေလးမေန့က update ေလးထြက္လာပါတယ္ ဖုန္းထဲမွာ ပါ Office 5မ်ိဳ ဳ းသံုးလို႔
ရတဲ့ေဆာ့၀ဲေကာင္းေလးဆို မမွားပါဘူးေနာ္ ေအာက္မွာေဒါ္ငးပါ (ပုသိမ္အိုင္တီ)
★ The best Office app for smartphones and tablets ! ★
Android Office supports for viewing and editing MS Word files( .doc , .docx , .rtf , .xml), MS Excel files( .xls , .xlsx), MS PowerPoint files (.ppt , .pptx), Text file (.txt), office XML files and CSV files (.csv).
Also, Includes powerful painter.
This is a great product that you are about to discover.
★ Highlights ★
★ The Word editor : The word editor is the most advanced Word editor on the market, fully featured, The Word editor lets you view, edit and create documents professionally, along with the MS Office files, you can also load RTF and Text Files. Many features available, for example : export documents to PDF file, Spell Check, Text search, Easy Selection, all buttons function dynamically, set styles to selected text, Compost Emails with this great editor and send them with your preferred Email account, add Pictures, Built in icons, Header/Footer, Printing and many more features, easy and fun to use, user friendly, Like the Word editor on your computer !
★ Excel : Advanced excel editor, View, Edit and Save Excel files professionally, lets you create complex workbooks, For example : easy and fast styling, includes presets that you create, all formulas available for fast entry, Printing and many more features, easy to use and user friendly.
★ PowerPoint : Unique PowerPoint editor, that lets you be very creative on the go and even at home, you might find it very useful for office presentations, many tools and features to let you achieve your goals, this editor is a must and it’s included !
★ Painter : Powerful painter, lets you be creative, save your work at any time and continue working at later time, you can also save the paint as PNG or JPG .
★ CSV : View, Edit and Save CSV files, special CSV editor with unique features, Sum Columns, Search and Edit, Sort descending/acceding according to any column, Combine several files together, easy to use, user friendly.
★ Tutorial videos for all editors.
★ All updates are free, of course.
What’s New
New in Word editor :
-FootNotes/EndNotes with text styling
-Option to move the close/open toolbar button
-Approved fit to screen feature,changed to on/off
All editors :
-Option to change the menus background transparency
-Auto save the document/workbook/presentation/paint
-Easy section folding, lets you fold any section of buttons
-Improved the main screen UI
-Overall improvements and bug fixes

Download ►: ►''Here ''
ေဒါင္းနည္းမ်ားမသိပါက ဒီမွာ သြားၾကည့္ေပးပါခင္ဗ်ာ