Next Launcher Theme Neon Blue ေလးလန္းလို႔ nextlauncher ကိုမွ
အာက္မွာေဒါင္းပါ (ပုသိမ္အိုင္တီ)
that NNext Launcher Theme Neon Blue is currently seen only in 2D mode
The 3D mode is made as soon as possible
This app contains only the Next Launcher Theme Neon Blue
More Apps, Widgets or Themes from the same designline or collection, available on Google Play Store.
More than 100 HD Icons
2 HD Wallpapers
1. 20 special icons, covers the main apps of the phone such as dial, SMS, Playstore and so on. The other special icons must be set manually.
2. how to add the 3D custom icons
long press icon on homescreen> than will pop up some little symbol-icons>
and tab on the symbol it looks like a paper document. On my screen it is the second last.
than wait 2sec. and you will see all 3D icons
3. Make sure the Next Launcher 3D has been installed! (Search “Next Launcher 3D” to download)
4. Apply the Theme: MENU->Personality—>Theme->Installed->Choose Next Launcher Theme Neon Blue
Requires Android: 1.6 and up
Download ►: ►''Here ''
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