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Word Lens Translator-1 Word Lens Translator-2

Word Lens Translator ေလးက ကမာၻသံုး ဆိုင္းဘုတ္ေတြကို ဆင္တူဘာသာ
ျပန္ေပးတဲ့ေဆာ့၀ဲလ္ေလးပါ ၾကိဳက္တယ္ဆိုရင္ေတာ့ေအာက္မွာေဒါင္းပါ (ပုသိမ္အိုင္တီ)
Instantly translate printed words with your phone’s camera!
Word Lens gives you translation on the go:
– NO NETWORK required – results appear immediately on your video screen when you need it, anywhere in the world.
– Easy to use, like the regular camera
– Look up translations by typing them in, or clicking on a word.
Available language pairs:
+ English <> Russian
+ English <> Spanish
+ English <> French
+ English <> Italian
+ English <> German
+ English <> Portuguese
Notes for getting the best quality out of your translations:
– Best used on clearly printed text (e.g. signs, menus)
– DOES NOT recognize handwriting or stylized fonts
– It’s not perfect, but you can get the general meaning!
– Keep text in focus by holding it at least one hand-length away and tap-to-focus if autofocus is struggling.
– Turn on the flashlight (if available on your device)
– Zoom in (if available on your device)
Some features are device dependent. Not all device cameras can zoom, nor do all devices have a flashlight.
Having trouble? We want to hear from you! Email us at:
Permissions Usage:
Hardware Controls: Take Pictures and Videos: Used to access the camera so we can translate what it sees.
Size : 41M
Current Version : 3.0
Requires Android : 2.3.3 and up

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ေဒါင္းနည္းမ်ားမသိပါက ဒီမွာ သြားၾကည့္ေပးပါခင္ဗ်ာ