Flux – CM11 Theme ေแးแါ แီေแာแ္းေแးေားแွแ္းแกแแ ္ေแး แြแ္แာแိုแ แแ္ေแးแိုแ္
แါแแ္ေแกာแ္แွာေแါแ္းแါ (แုแိแ္แกိုแ္แီ)
Flux – CM11 Theme v4.1.0 Apk | 6 MB | Resumable Links | Requires Android:4.0 and up |
Flux – CM11 Theme
What’s in this version :
• Removed gmail theme to prevent FCs for the next big gmail update
• Misc ui improvements/fixes
*Don’t forget to reboot after the update
App Review:
How to:
If you get an error message: apply the default theme first then reboot, apply my theme and reboot again.
Once you download the theme, go to setting/themes or Theme Manager, find my theme and apply it.
If you get an error message: apply the default theme first then reboot, apply my theme and reboot again.
Once you download the theme, go to setting/themes or Theme Manager, find my theme and apply it.
- New Statusbar Notification Design
- New Transparent Power Widget
- New Modern Design for Pop Windows and Check Boxes
- New Clean Design for the Settings
- Small Apk Size
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