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Clash of Clans v6.407.2 APK Mod
 Hackထားတာပါ အသစ္ထြက္ရွိလာလုိတင္ေပးလုိက္တာပါ
ျပီးေတာ့ Hackျပီးသားသုံးခ်င္တယ္လုိ ေျပာထားတဲ ့မိတ္ေဆြမ်ားအတြက္
ဒီေန ့ပဲဦးေလးျကီးတင္ေပးလုိက္ပါတယ္
  1. 15/10/2014 : Servers are given custom names(beta). Memory leaks and some bugs fixed.
  2. 21/10/2014 : Multiple servers sharing same database, so that another server can be used, when one is down, and your game progress remains saved, even after changing server.
  3. 27/10/2014 : New custom server working with latest version
  4. 29/10/2014 : Custom APK provided with Main Database working on multiple servers.
  5. 11/11/2014 : New servers
  6. 12/11/2014 : New Custom APK
  7. 17/11/2014 : Patched to work with latest version of CoC (Android and ioS)
  8. 19/11/2014 : Assigned Elastic IP to the main server
  9. 03/12/2014 : ♪Custom Barbarian Tower and SnowFall added. Its Christmas!! ♥
  10. 06/12/2014 : All Savings related issues fixed. PvE added! Chasethose Goblins! :) 
  11. 25/12/2014 : Universal APK released! :)


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 free Downloads link Clash of Clans Mod/Hack v6.407.2 APK
 ဦးအာကာ(acme mobile)