AVG Anti-Virus Free 2015.5961 ေလးပါ သင့္ laptop /PC ေတြထဲက ဗိုင္ရပ္ေတြကို ရွာေဖြသတ္ႏိုင္တဲ့
antivirus ေဆာ့၀ဲေကာင္းေလးပါ ဗိုင္း၇ပ္ေၾကာင့္စိတ္ညစ္ေနတဲ့ေဘာ္ဒါေတြ ေအာက္မွာ AVG Anti-Virus Free ဗားရွင္း အသစ္ေလးကိုေဒါင္းၿပီးသံုးႏိုင္ပါတယ္ အဆင္ေျပပါေစ (ပုသိမ္နည္းပညာ)
AVG Anti-Virus FREE Edition is the well-known anti-virus protection
tool. AVG Anti-Virus FREE is available free-of-charge to home users for
the life of the product! Rapid virus database updates are available for
the lifetime of the product, thereby providing the high-level of
detection capability that millions of users around the world trust to
protect their computers. AVG Anti-Virus FREE is easy-to-use and will not
slow your system down (low system resource requirements). AVG Anti-Virus 2015.5961 fixes & improvements:
Firewall supports Windows 10, and all upgrades from previous Windows versions to Windows 10.
Minor text arrangements in UI dialogs.
Fixed issue with Online Shield scanning blocking access certificate for www.unipass.co.uk.
Fixed issue with Firewall blocking internet access when Banco do Brasil software (WinDivert) is installed.