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နာမည္ျကီး Nero computer software ဟာ အခုဆုိရင္
2015အတြက္ထက္ထြက္လာပါျပီး လူတုိင္းအသုံးျပဳဘူးတဲ ့pc softwareဆုိမမွားပါဘူး
Burn မွာေတာ ့ဒီေကာင္းကေတာ ့ဆရာျကိးလုိ့ေတာင္ေခၚလုိ ့ရတယ္ ဦးေလးျကီးေတာင္
FULL version ေလးျဖစ္တဲ ့ 2015 Nero 16.0.02900 + Crackေလးပါ
ပါ၀င္လာတဲ့Nero 2015 မွာေတာ့အမ်ားျကီးပဲေနာ္
- Stream videos to any iOS & Android device
- Nero AirBurn: Burn files straight from your Android & iOS device
- Browse & tag photos and videos with places (“Geotags”)
- New Nero Launcher with instant access to the entire suite
- Change the video-disc format on-the-fly when authoring
- Hollywood-grade font styles and motion text effects for videos
- Instant access to your Nero cloud – Five new mobile apps to help you learn and master Nero 2015
- Stream to any TV or media player with auto-transcoding
- Even faster video converting and burning
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