Root File Manager v-1.0.4 ဗားရွင္းအသစ္ေလးပါ သူကဘာေတြအသံုး၀င္လဲဆိုရင္ File Manager ေလးထဲမွာ Copy and paste လုပ္တာ ဖိုင္နာမည္ခ်ိန္းတာ ဖိုင္အသစ္ေဆာက္တာစတဲ့File Manager ဖန္ရွင္ အစံုလုပ္လို႔ရတဲ့ေဆာ့၀ဲေကာင္းေလးပါ (ပုသိမ္နည္းပညာ) Root File Manager is the best File Explorer for rooted phones. You
can explore all of Android’s file systems and take control of your
rooted device. It allows you to browse your SD card, create directories,
rename, copy, move, and delete files.