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ဒီေဆာ့ဖ္၀ဲေလးကေတာ့ Virus ကိုရွင္းေပးတဲ့ေဆာ့ဖ္၀ဲေလးပါ..
spyware, Rootkits, Trojans, Viruses, Bots အစရွိတဲ့ပိုးေတြ
အျပင္အျခား virus ေတြကိုလဲရွင္းေပးႏိုင္တယ္လို႕ဆိုပါတယ္ဗ်ာ.
တယ္ခင္ဗ်ာ. Full version ျဖစ္ေအာင္ Keygen ေလးပါထည့္
Zemana AntiLogger Full + Keygen - Provides effective anti-malware protection, working with all major security products. AntiLogger significantly improves your security, providing protection against the latest spyware, Rootkits, Trojans, Viruses, Bots, Adware and assemblers passwords - known as Malware. Installs in seconds, works fast and does not hinder you in the future. Zemana AntiLogger Full + Keygen - You can visit any sites, knowing that it is now your computer and the information on it are protected.

Features of Zemana AntiLogger Full + Keygen:

    Zemana Anti-KeyLogger - keyloggers are spyware programs designed to record keystrokes, for example. user name, password and credit card number. Zemana Anti-KeyLogger detects all known and unknown Keyloggers and the collection of personal information, using no signature-based algorithm.
    Zemana Anti-ScreenLogger - screenLoggers a spyware program designed to regularly capture screen shots, while net banking or using the onscreen keyboard. Zemana Anti-ScreenLogger detects all known and unknown ScreenLoggers and the collection of personal information, using no signature-based algorithm.
    Zemana Anti-WebcamLogger - webCamLoggers a spyware program created for the secret collection of reports from a web camera. Zemana Anti-WebcamLogger detects all known and unknown WebcamLoggers and the collection of personal information, using no signature-based algorithm.
    Zemana Anti-Clipboard Logger - clipboardLoggers a spyware program created to record everything you copy to the clipboard, including user names, passwords, credit card numbers and personal information. Zemana Anti-Clipboard Logger detects all known and unknown ClipboardLoggers and the collection of personal information, using no signature-based algorithm.
    System Protection - protects the trusted components of the system from unauthorized access, for example, injection dll / code, download driver core changes to the physical memory, etc.

